How to get started with video marketing?

September 21, 2021
At our latest Powerful Mastermind Club's virtual event on video marketing, we announced the "100 videos in 100 days" challenge for every business owner who wants to put themselves out there and overcome the fear of being on video. After all, video is the king of content!  To help the participants prepare for the challenge, the founder & CEO of Powerful Marketers, Mari-Liis Vaher, dedicated last week to sharing her tips and insights on creating videos.

This blog post is part of the 100 videos that Mari-Liis Vaher has created on her journey to launching a podcast for marketers and business leaders. On her pre-launch journey she posts a short video every day for 100 days in a row inside the Powerful Marketers Community

Here is the overview of the eleventh week:

See the recap of the week #1 HERE, sweek #2 HERE, week #3  HERE, week #4 HERE, week #5 HERE, week #6 HERE, week #7 HERE, week #8 HERE, week #9 HERE and week #10 HERE.

Video marketing tips for beginners

The most common obstacles to getting started with video marketing are:

❌ Lack of time

❌ Mental barriers

❌ Content & length of videos

❌ Technical worries

To turn video making into a habit, accept the "100 videos in 100 days" challenge!

5 steps to getting started with video marketing

1️⃣ Plan & organize yourself!

2️⃣ Create a list of 100 Q&A-s for content creation.

3️⃣ Schedule time slots for video making & protect these times!

4️⃣ Just do it! Learn how to overcome mental barriers.

5️⃣ Don’t measure the results at first.

How to plan and organize yourself for video marketing?

▶️ Get clear on your goal.

▶️ Focus on your audience and create content that helps them.

▶️ Choose the platform where you will publish your videos.

▶️ Book a time for yourself for every week when you create content and record the videos.

How to plan your content for video marketing?

❓ Write down all the questions that your current clients and customers often ask from you and your colleagues.

 ❗Write down an helpful answer that you would give for each of the questions.

📹 Record an answer for each of the questions and share these to your audience one by one!

How to be consistent with video marketing?

Your calendar is sacred! ✅

👉 Always plan your calendar ahead (e.g. on Friday evening)

👉 Schedule your most important activities first (e.g. content creation and video recording!) 

👉 Protect your calendar and don't allow other people & tasks to steal your focus!

How to overcome mental barriers to making videos?

💥 Invest in your internal growth and personal development.

💥 Find your inner courage and rise above the average.

💥 Keep in mind that it is not about you, but about your audience.

Rule your marketing rise above your fears and doubts!

Why you shouldn't track the results of your first 100 videos?

🎯 The main goal is for you to get comfortable with talking on video and making this a habit for yourself.

☑️ The only metric here is the number 100: this is how many videos you will do and this is how many days in a row you will put yourself out there!

Make sure to join the Powerful Marketers Community on Facebook to follow Mari-Liis along on her podcast launch journey! She will be posting new videos every day at 3 pm Central European Time and on every Wednesday, she will go LIVE – feel free to join the discussion!

Please share this blog post with everyone who works as a marketer at any level - it might be someone who just started to learn about it or someone who has worked for decades in marketing. The topics we cover here are timeless and we would really appreciate your help in building this unique podcast for marketers!

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