Feeling lost at sea with your marketing efforts? You’re not alone. Many businesses jump straight into action without a clear plan, leading to diluted efforts and subpar results. To reduce overwhelm and ineffectiveness in marketing, you must have a solid decision making framework. Don’t know how to get started? No worries, in this podcast episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers share the main steps that help you gain clarity and build an effective marketing strategy.

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We’re happy to shine the spotlight on Gee Ranasinha, Founder & CEO of KEXINO, a global marketing agency helping start-ups and small-to-medium sized businesses in the USA and EU. Gee recently shared his insights on an important topic for marketers: Dark Social.

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Approaching different personalities in sales and marketing is crucial for success in the business world. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Terry Bean, an experienced leadership speaker and coach, on the importance of understanding and adapting to different behavioral types. Terry introduces the concept of the four primary drivers of behavior and shares how to recognize and leverage these drivers to effectively engage with different personality types and tailor marketing strategies to meet their needs and preferences.

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We are excited to introduce Mai-Liis Kivistik, our valued Powerful Marketers Hub community member! Mai-Liis is a certified naturopath, founder of MaiWistik Skincare, and an international yoga and face yoga teacher. Her passion for holistic longevity and natural beauty shines through in everything she does.Passion for Holistic BeautyMai-Liis is dedicated to promoting a holistic approach

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Marketing is essential for both large and small businesses, but it requires clarity, strategy, and collaboration for effective management. One of the biggest challenges today is excessive information overload in marketing, which can lead to confusion and wasted resources. This article shares important steps and principles to avoid marketing information overload and achieve better results in marketing activities.

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Sales are a crucial part of every business, but most businesses struggle with finding the right approach. In this episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers leads the discussion on the art of selling without the aggressive tactics that often leave a bad taste in both the seller’s and buyer’s mouths. Our special guests, seasoned sales professionals Bob Burg and Jeff C West, authors of “Streetwise to Saleswise,” share their insights on creating positive sales experiences.

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