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Make sure to also check out some of our latest blog posts:

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses looking to leave a lasting impact on their audience. As we step into 2024, the world of marketing is witnessing a transformative shift, with technology, data, and ethics playing pivotal roles. In this blog post, we delve into the top five marketing trends that are shaping the industry, offering insights into how brands can navigate this dynamic landscape successfully.


Networking for referrals can be a valuable strategy for business owners and professionals looking to expand their reach, increase visibility, and create potential partnerships. However, many people find themselves overwhelmed by networking and frustrated by the lack of referrals they receive. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Frank Agin, a thought leader in business networking and professional relationships since 1997. Frank shares his insights on 3 common mistakes people make when networking.


As a business owner or marketer, you surely understand the importance of generating leads to grow your business. But how can you attract high-quality leads and stand out from your competitors? The answer lies in offering valuable resources, called lead magnets, that capture the attention and contact details of your target audience. In this podcast episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers explore seven powerful lead magnet ideas that can help you generate quality leads and nurture them into loyal customers.


Embracing advertising for business growth is crucial in today’s digital age, however for most business owners the ever changing landscape of digital ads is too overwhelming. In this episode, Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers interviews Janet E Johnson to discuss the challenges and frustrations of running digital ads and how to make advertising money count. Together, they explore strategies to avoid common pitfalls and achieve measurable results in marketing efforts. Tune in to learn how to navigate the world of digital ads and maximize your advertising ROI.
