Join the next Powerful Marketers Mastermind!

📅 Date: September 3, 2024

🕧 Time: 5:30pm UTC+3 (Tallinn time)

📌 Location: Zoom event

💁‍♀️ Host: Mari-Liis Vaher from Powerful Marketers

🎤 Guest Speakers and Topic: will be announced soon!

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You missed out!

PS! If you are a member of the Powerful Marketers Hub, you can also RSVP inside the community HERE→.

Powerful Marketers Mastermind:

Where Ideas Connect and Growth Happens

Learn valuable insights

Every Mastermind we focus on a specific topic that is relevant to your growth as a marketing expert and an inspiring business leader.

Network with other marketers

Mastermind is accessible globally and all you need is a steady internet connection and a device with a camera to join the virtual networking!

Be inspired by new ideas

Different perspectives bring out new inspiring ideas. Learn from successful small business owners from all over the world and share value with others!

Don't miss out on the opportunities to exchange ideas, gain insights, and supercharge your growth!

❗Please show up on time and have your camera on. We admit participants during the first 10 minutes of the event to ensure a high-quality meeting.

📹 Be aware that we record all of our meetings and add the recordings inside our community and use parts of it on our social media and marketing activities.

Here’s what people are saying about our Mastermind meetings:

Want To Become A Powerful Marketer?

Join the Powerful Marketers Hub for events, training, tools, templates and community to take your marketing game to the next level and make meaningful connections with business owners and marketers from around the world!
