Marketing tips that help you save time and money

August 10, 2021
People often assume that to do great marketing you have to invest a lot of time and money. And while it is true that big budget and consistent activities will increase your visibility, it is more important to cover your basics first. If you don't have clarity or systems in place, bigger budgets will simply mean bigger costs, not return on investments. 

There is a lot that you can do in your marketing on your own as a solopreneur or a small business owner. You need to be in charge of the bigger picture to know clearly where your business is headed, what its values and principles are, and then you can easily scale by hiring a marketing team or outsourcing your marketing activities. 

To help you organize your marketing, Mari-Liis Vaher, the founder & CEO of Powerful Marketers, set out on the journey of launching a podcast for marketers. The goal of the podcast is to inspire and help marketers to grow personally and professionally in order to feel empowered and equipped to handle any situation they may encounter. On this journey, she posts a short video on a different topic related to marketer’s growth for 100 days in a row inside the Powerful Marketers Community

Here is the overview of the fifth week:

See the recap of the first week HERE, second week HERE, third week HERE and fourth week HERE.

How to repurpose your content in marketing?

♻️ Make your webpage the home of your content and then share bits and pieces of it on different marketing channels.

♻️ Create a list of 100 top questions asked by your customers and leads, and then start sharing the answers to them.

♻️ Keep an eye on the metrics and promote your best-performing content!

How listening to podcasts will benefit your marketing skills?

🎙️ Podcasts are a great way to keep up to date on industry news, insights and expert tips for free.

🎙️ Podcasts will help to develop a stronger and more vivid imagination. 

🎙️ You will also become a better listener as you become more educated in areas that spark your interest.

3 marketing podcast recommendations

💥 "How Neil & Eric Would Grow Their YouTube Channels In A Perfect World" on Marketing School.

💥 "Facebook Ad Secrets with Tara Zirker" on After Hours Entrepreneur.

💥How To Be an Amazing Show Host with Ken Coleman" on The Influential Personal Brand Podcast by Rory & AJ Vaden.

How to design social media posts for marketing?

👉 Use with simple drag-and-drop templates.

👉 Find quality stock photos for free from, or

👉 Use to transcribe and edit your videos.

How to increase your marketing efficiency?

⛏️ Start tracking your time with
⛏️ Use a task management software such as or
⛏️ Schedule social media posts with for example or or

Tools that help with your marketing metrics

☑️ Take advantage of the information available on Google Analytics to analyze your website and traffic.
☑️ Track industry-relevant numbers in your CRM at a certain time (e.g. beginning of each month).
☑️ Combine all the metrics in
Google Data Studio

How to overcome the fear of video marketing?

▶️  Remember that your videos don't have to resonate with everybody, just your target audience!
▶️ Be mindful of whose feedback and support matters the most.
▶️ Make your facts clear so that you feel confident and grounded when presenting this information.

Make sure to join the Powerful Marketers Community on Facebook to follow Mari-Liis along on her podcast launch journey! She will be posting new videos every day at 3 pm Central European Time and on every Wednesday, she will go LIVE – feel free to join the discussion!

Please share this blog post with everyone who works as a marketer at any level - it might be someone who just started to learn about it or someone who has worked for decades in marketing. The topics we cover here are timeless and we would really appreciate your help in building this unique podcast for marketers!

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