How to make better marketing decisions?

July 20, 2021
Marketing involves much more than meets the eye. Navigating the ever-changing business landscape can make marketers feel like they are constantly a few steps behind and it is impossible to catch up. You cannot nor should you do every single thing in marketing but you do need to be able to make decisions that are well-informed and beneficial in the long run.

The founder & CEO of Powerful Marketers, Mari-Liis Vaher, is on the journey of launching a podcast for marketers. To create a podcast that is truly relevant and helpful for marketers, she posts a short video on a different topic related to marketer’s growth for 100 days in a row inside the Powerful Marketers Community

Here is the overview of the second week:

See the recap of the first week HERE.

How to work on your personal & professional growth?

As a busy marketer or entrepreneur, you may feel like you are constantly out of time and tired. So, how can you make more time for important activities that help develop the physical, intellectual & psychological aspects of yourself? During this LIVE video, Mari-Liis shared tips that help her.

what is great marketing?

People often ask how to do great marketing and by that they usually mean an exciting campaign, a clever message or a powerful visual. But first and foremost great marketing is about TEAMWORK - it is a system that connects the direct and indirect activities and perceptions of the whole market! 

How to make sure your marketing activities are aligned?

To make your marketing activities aligned with everything else that is happening inside the company, you need to create clarity around what & why you do in marketing. Always be consistent in communication and collaborate across company: your colleagues have incredible insights that you can use in marketing!

How is marketing getting back to its roots?

In this age of information overload, there's a huge distrust in the market. So, you need to stop with the gimmicks and focus on building authentic relationships! When you are truly in service of your clients, they see and feel it and they will spread the word more as they get the pain of finding a good service or product from the noisy marketplace. 

the next big thing in marketing?

Up to 95% of purchasing decisions are done on a subconscious level. We are constantly influenced by the ongoing surrounding information, which is why consistency is key if you want your target audience to choose you. Always keep your content relevant, valuable and consistent!

how to turn fomo into jomo?

Turn the fear of missing out into the joy of missing out to truly start enjoying each moment without worrying about what everyone else is doing. To do that: stop multitasking; make learning your habit; seek for information; be connected with industry leaders and schedule a time for using social media. 

how to make better decisions?

Most of our decisions are done subconsciously, so how can we improve the quality of our decisions and therefore results?

Start by gaining clarity on the fundamentals of business. Keep yourself connected and supported by likeminded people, and simply never stop learning!

Make sure to join the Powerful Marketers Community on Facebook to follow Mari-Liis along on her podcast launch journey! She will be posting new videos every day at 3 pm Central European Time and on every Wednesday, she will go LIVE – feel free to join the discussion!

Please share this blog post with everyone who works as a marketer at any level - it might be someone who just started to learn about it or someone who has worked for decades in marketing. The topics we cover here are timeless and we would really appreciate your help in building this unique podcast for marketers!

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