What you need to know about GA4

October 20, 2022
Want to improve website traffic? You need to watch the data. Let’s make it simple! It doesn't need to be complicated! With the new Google Analytics 4, you can get accurate information about your website’s activity. Google will completely transition from Google Analytics Universal and launch Google Analytics 4 next year. Save your analytics history, and start using new features today.

In this episode of the Powerful Marketing Tips Podcast, Laura Kukemelk gives an overview of Google’s new analytic software, and gives tips to raise your site’s engagement.

Google Analytics 4 offers better cross-device and domain insights. This gives better data on the number of people who visit your website on computer or smartphone. With its AI and machine-learning features, the analytics tool can predict the user behavior. Its new metrics focus on engagement so you will know exactly how many people are actively connected to your site. 

With analytics software, you will know your website’s overall performance and get a full grasp of traffic and opportunities. 

Action tips / Features of Google Analytics 4

  1. It has a better cross-device and cross-domain insights.
  2. It uses AI and machine learning to predict a user’s behavior.
  3. It has new metrics focused on engagement.
  4. It uses event-based conversions. 


  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 1:24 What are the features of Google Analytics 4?
  • 2:50 How can we set up Google Analytics?


“Google Analytics 4 is built to be easier, more flexible,  and more user-friendly. It can combine data from both your website and also your app. It provides much more accurate cross device insights, which means people visiting the website from multiple devices.” (01:23 - 01:43)

“If you have a complex website with many nuances and events that need to be tracked, the easiest way is to contact a specialist who can set this all up for you.” (02:39 - 02:58)

“Data is what helps you to make better decisions.” (03:21 - 03:26)


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