Rob Morley: How to bring the right people to your website through digital marketing?

January 25, 2022
Are you looking to increase your business’ digital potential this year? According to Rob Morley, Director at Fountain Partnership, there are several ways for entrepreneurs to improve their digital marketing strategies, starting with a mindset shift. 

Rob challenges business owners to think deeper than the basics of wanting a larger social media presence and instead to consider why they need that for their business. He recommends owners change their mindset to focus on and narrow down their goals. Rob divulges important tips for how to choose the best digital marketing specialist or agency to help reach those goals in a cost-effective and efficient way.

Tune into this week’s episode of Powerful Marketing Tips for a conversation about bringing the right people to your website through digital marketing. Learn more about the top things to look for in a digital marketing company, what factors to consider when crafting your marketing goals, and the most common mistakes business owners make that prevent them from reaching their digital potential.


  • “This industry moves so fast and things are always changing. However, I would say the foundation, the core of marketing and especially digital marketing hasn’t really changed. Challenge one is having a basic understanding of digital marketing. That’s something I’d recommend business owners to do.” (2:54-3:23)
  • “If you’re not subscribed to goals-based marketing, you’re going to fall into thinking about activity too much… I’m always listening when I’m talking to small business owners if they’re asking my advice. They might say things like ‘we need some social media’ or ‘we need to change our website.’ And I will say why? Why do you think you need to do that?…A better conversation, a better mindset to get into is saying things like ‘we need 250 leads in 2022, because if we get 250 leads we’ll win 30 customers and if we get 30 customers we’ll make our 1 million euro.’ So you can see the type of thinking and sort of questions that a small business owner needs to be thinking about. Basically, what I’m driving at is that we need to quantify marketing as much as possible.” (5:37-6:42)
  • “In my opinion it’s better to have two or three specialists that are exceptional at what they do than have one generalist.” (14:37-14:44)
  • “Most great agencies…are recommended. They win their business through recommendations, not through digital marketing. I think this surprises some people, especially business owners…The truth is great digital marketing companies will do some digital marketing but actually the best business they win is because they’re very very good at what they do and they’ve built trust within a community, within a network and they are verbally recommended.” (15:20-16:03)
  • “We want to procure or buy the best talent that we can afford. We’re looking for value. That’s it.” (32:46-32:54)
  • “Consider the false economy. The cheapest isn’t always best.” (37:06-37:10)
  • “A good question for business owners to remember to ask really of any supplier is ‘are we on target or are we off target?’ Simple question. Any good professional in the marketing space should be able to answer that question without falling off their chair…If we’re off target, where in the funnel, where in the activity that is being done, are we off target? It’s the numbers first. Then context. Then narrative.” (39:09-39:48)
  • “Some entrepreneurs are really busy because they spend too much time focusing on things that don’t matter…You don’t need to look at the numbers on a daily basis.” (44:00-44:17)


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