Kelsey Johnson: How to Set Up Email Automations?

June 8, 2022
Do you use email marketing for your business? If you are not yet using email marketing, you are missing out on an ideal opportunity to grow your customer base. In today’s episode, Kelsey Johnson, product marketing manager at AWeber with ten years of experience, shares her tips for getting started with email marketing.

Email marketing platforms are relatively simple and inexpensive to set up, so even small businesses can take advantage of them. Kelsey Johnson shares that the first and most important step is to begin building your email list. If you are not active on social media, email marketing can be integrated into payment platforms like Paypal and Shopify, so that when someone purchases a product from you, they are automatically prompted to join your email list. Next, she recommends that you set up an automated welcome series, which are emails that go out anytime someone joins the list. Additionally, you should segment your list into groups so that you can send customers more personalized emails based on their interests. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Powerful Marketing Tips for a conversation about email marketing and why it is useful for your business. Learn how to get started with an email marketing platform, how to build an email list, and what types of emails you should send.


  • “One of the greatest things about email marketing is that the return on your investment is very, very high relative to other types of marketing. So if you do think that email marketing isn't for you or your business, I always recommend that people try it first and see if the results are there.” (4:07-4:25)
  • “When you build up your email list, when you create this community of people who are willing to receive your emails, you have a direct line to them, and you own that audience. That list of email addresses and names doesn't belong to the software you use to send the emails out, it belongs to you.” (5:23-5:42)
  • “Pay attention to your own business and your customers and what they will actually want to hear from you.” (21:33-21:39)
  • “Sending personalized content to those different groups can really do things like get people to open your emails more often, keep you out of the promotions tab more often, build up that community, build up that trust, and ultimately make more sales in the long run, because you're giving somebody the specific content they want.” (25:15-25:36)


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Here's the full episode on YouTube:

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