How to Avoid the Invisible Costs of Marketing Overwhelm: Essential Steps for Effective Marketing Management in Every Size of Business

April 30, 2024
Marketing is essential for both large and small businesses, but it requires clarity, strategy, and collaboration for effective management. One of the biggest challenges today is excessive information overload in marketing, which can lead to confusion and wasted resources. This article shares important steps and principles to avoid marketing information overload and achieve better results in marketing activities.

Article by Mari-Liis Vaher

Objective: Know What Marketing Should Achieve

The cornerstone of marketing management is a clear understanding of the desired outcomes. For example, if a company aims to increase website traffic and sales, the goal may be to increase website visitors by 25% in the next quarter. Such clarity in objectives also helps to refine the target audience and message.

For instance, if we aim to increase website visits among young men, we can tailor our message and marketing activities accordingly. If your goal is solely sales numbers, such as increasing sales by 25%, you need to understand the activities that contribute to it; hence, marketing goals are formed in collaboration with the sales department. In larger companies, this also means different departmental perspectives and the role of marketing is to ask the right questions to achieve clarity in objectives through collaboration.

Action Plan: Always Align Marketing with the Sales Department

The synergy between marketing and sales is critical to effective business operations. Better results are achieved when marketing and sales have a clear and supportive action plan aligned with the company's overall goals.

For example, suppose marketing creates a campaign directing potential customers to the sales department, and the sales team provides feedback on customer behavior to the marketing team. In that case, adjustments can be quickly made to marketing activities based on sales needs.

However, it's crucial that marketing acts as a strong coordinator here. Overwhelming noise usually comes from too many simultaneous activities, inadequate processes, or poorly thought-out resources (i.e., human resources). Yes, AI or artificial intelligence can assist in processes today, but good results require good human or machine management.

Readiness to Monitor Performance and Be Flexible

The world is constantly changing, so it's essential to be prepared to adapt and adjust activities according to changing conditions and new knowledge. However, this may also mean focusing on proven and effective activities rather than following every new trend.

For example, if a marketing channel brings us more customers or sales, it's wise to allocate more resources and reduce the use of less effective channels. Here, marketing is a gatekeeper, deciding what to let in and out. Do decisions and daily activities support our goal and optimal execution of the action plan, or is it just emotion and a new activity that requires separate planning and management? Marketing may seem straightforward and concise from afar, but from within, different activities consume a lot of energy and resources, and marketing should not be all over the place.

Good Communication and Collaboration Internally

Marketing is not just about social media advertising; it's about building relationships with customers (so they know us and remember us at the right time) and understanding and interpreting their needs and behaviors. Therefore, marketing, sales, and customer service must work closely together.

For example, suppose marketing receives feedback from customer service about customer concerns and questions. In that case, they can adjust their message and marketing activities accordingly to provide a better product or service and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

All problems generally start with poor or inadequate communication. Marketing's role here is to ensure that all parties are heard and listened to. In other words, marketing must be able to listen to understand behaviors, not listen to respond to others' arguments. But this requires a certain level of maturity: less self-centeredness, more empathy, and inner peace. Unthoughtful marketing management usually leads to opposite emotions and actions, including rushing and anxiety.

Hurry slowly, as effective marketing management is a marathon, not a sprint: it involves setting clear objectives, establishing strong collaboration with the sales department, being ready to monitor performance, and maintaining excellent internal communication. All of this ensures that your company can avoid excessive overwhelm, information overload, emotional decisions, and achieve better results in marketing activities, regardless of your company's size or industry.

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