Has stress been weighing you down and blocking you from reaching your full potential as an entrepreneur? Stress is a natural part of life that occurs when the demands placed on you appear greater than your available resources. The good news is that there are ways to change how things ...
As a business owner, you must have at least some basic networking skills as people don’t work with companies, but with people. In this quick tips episode, Mari-Liis Vaher shares the GAINSx concept (originally created by Dr. Ivan Misner) which is an acronym for six parts or ideas that you ...
Have you been struggling with effectively communicating your story? One way to help convey your business’ messaging and your brand’s story is through a case study. A case study is similar to a testimonial, but is longer and more detailed. It is written in a compelling, conversational style that is ...
Marketing automation is all about building systems that help you save time in the long run! In today’s quick tips episode, Laura Kukemelk shares some examples of workflows that you could automate, as well as some automation softwares that help you free up time for strategic activities. To manage your ...
Do you use email marketing for your business? If you are not yet using email marketing, you are missing out on an ideal opportunity to grow your customer base. In today’s episode, Kelsey Johnson, product marketing manager at AWeber with ten years of experience, shares her tips for getting started ...
How to get along with different types of people? In this quick tips episode, Mari-Liis Vaher shares the 4 main personality types according to DISC that all prefer to communicate in a slightly different way. Tune in to find out about people oriented to dominance, to influence, to processes and ...
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