
The Secret Guideline to Successful Online Meetings

If in the past, holding meetings may have felt like a nuisance, then today’s complicated situation has escalated the situation even further as most meetings have moved online. How to manage communication in-house, organize work with existing customers and even enchant new ones, and all of that from the ‘comfort’ of your own home? Keep

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How to Grow Into a Leader From Any Marketing Position?

Leadership skills are universally necessary, and not only reserved for those who have the proper managerial position. Because leadership is nothing else than showing the way towards a certain end or a goal or a desired outcome, and setting an example by putting in some effort to get there. And pretty much every human being

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Leadership, Mindset

How to enhance your success as a marketer?

As a marketer you know the importance of a marketing audit: you need to take an in-depth view to your activities to shape your marketing strategies and tactics. But do you do the same with yourself? Do you focus on commitment? Do you seek knowledge? How do you make the journey fun to yourself? How

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The #5 key result area of any successful marketer: BECOME A LEADER

According to the definition from the Harvard Business Review (HBR): management consists of controlling a group or a set of entities to accomplish a goal, and  leadership refers to an individual’s ability to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward organizational success.  This explains quite easily and straightforwardly your position today, and we are

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