Many marketers are #overworked, #underpaid, and #underappreciated. Close to the point of burnout. Their colleagues and their boss think they are just the guys who do advertising in the business. Maybe your job feels to you like a daily grind. Maybe you’re stressed. And your continuous stress is leading to emotional distress. Have you ever wanted to quit? Most marketers have thought about quitting their current job or project for different reasons.
Well, let’s think about this.
a. Several experts define marketing as a “set of techniques, strategies, and studies that aim to improve a product or service by finding the best way to present and sell it.” So basically, marketing is everything that helps your company sell more products and reach more people.
b. Large corporations are so aware of the importance of you, marketer. They understand that your critical contribution to their business is also about how your potential customers will see your brand and the products or services that you are offering. Big companies know that, and they apply these techniques very well in their marketing and sales departments.
c. The way we see it is that marketing is about the way everyone in your company approaches your customers, this even includes the email you send them for Christmas.
But what happens with most small businesses, entrepreneurs and self-employed businesses?
The vast majority of companies don’t fully understand the importance of their marketing department. Maybe you are their entire marketing department. In many cases, small businesses were created by freelancers who decided to develop their own business and have never actually studied marketing. They don’t know how to apply marketing correctly in their sales strategy.
As a result, you as a marketer are limited in your success. Both internal and external factors make your job very difficult.
We have learned, studied and analysed the 5 key result areas of any successful marketer.
Do you, as a marketer, want to improve to produce amazing results over time? If so, please bear in mind the following:
1. Using The Powerful Mindset: MEET YOURSELF!
2. Keeping the foundations of your business strong: LEARN TO PLAN SUCCESS!
3. Discipline eliminates threats: BE WISE!
4. A true wonder of the world: COMMUNICATE!
5. The power of processes: BE A LEADER

Decades of marketing and actual experience from marketers internationally have showed that it is important to work with all those 5 layers to achieve success on personal & professional level.
Just think for a moment who do you want to be as a marketer over the next 5 to 10 years?
Work on your own success now, and become that self-confident inspiring marketer you know you can be.