Mark Savant: How to create better content in less time?

December 15, 2021
Do you want to create better content for your business in less time? According to Mark Savant, the owner of Mark Savant Media, the best way any entrepreneur can increase their sales is by improving their online presence. In this episode of the Powerful Marketing Tips podcast, Mark sits down with host Mari-Liis Vaher to discuss strategies to restructure your digital marketing to yield better business results. 

Whether we like it or not, our cell phones are a part of our daily lives. Not only does social media allow us to interact with our friends and family, but it also gives us the opportunity to reach consumers all over the world. For this reason, it is crucial that every business owner has multiple forms of social media. When it comes to putting your content together, Mark explains that it is crucial to understand who your target audience is and what problem they need solved. This will set you apart from competitors and attract your ideal customer base. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Powerful Marketing Tips to learn more about the power of social media, the content creation lifecycle, and how to create a digital marketing strategy that represents your brand and turns attention into income.


  • “It's so important right now in 2021 Q4 and beyond that, we're investing in our digital media presence.” (01:33-01:44)
  • “It's important that you have some strategy behind your marketing, so that you're speaking to the right people at the right time, delivering the right message, so they can actually become a future client.” (02:18-02:27)
  • “If you are branding yourself properly and if you've got the right messaging, it's amazing what the power of the internet and social media can accomplish for your business.” (02:28-02:40)
  • “Whether it's consciously or subconsciously, our phone and social media impact nearly every part of our day.” (03:32-03:38)
  • “If you're not creating social media content, your business is dead.” (08:33-08:38)
  • “The cool thing about social media is you can speak to specific people and solve specific problems with your specific solutions.” (17:42-17:48)


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Here's the full episode on YouTube:

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