How to Build a Reliable Brand Online?

October 5, 2023
Your online presence can make or break your business, at least when it comes to first impressions. In this episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers talk about building a reliable brand and its importance for achieving long-term success. Whether you're just starting out or looking to strengthen your online presence, this episode will serve as a valuable reminder of the essentials.

The Fundamentals of Brand Reliability

Many experts struggle to find new clients because their online presence doesn't reflect their professionalism. It only takes a second or two for potential clients to form a first impression online. Having a well-crafted self-introduction, easily accessible contact information, and a custom email address with your company domain can significantly enhance your professional image.

Crafting an Engaging Website

Don’t forget, your website is your virtual storefront, and it should provide quick and relevant information to potential clients. Avoid long paragraphs that describe how great you are, and instead focus on highlighting the solutions and benefits you offer. Incorporating social proof through testimonials from satisfied customers can significantly build trust. Additionally, be sure to include a clear call to action to encourage engagement and collect contact information.

Consistency and Recognizability for Credibility

Consistency in logo colors, style, and your messaging across all online channels is crucial to establish credibility. Personal branding is especially significant for B2B audiences on platforms like LinkedIn. Remember, people work with people, not faceless brands. Ensuring your business information is accurate and up to date on Google and Waze can increase your visibility, especially for businesses with physical locations. Utilize Google's products for organic search and consider implementing paid ads if competitors are active in your space.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Online Presence and Thrive

By mastering the steps outlined in this episode, you are well on your way to building a reliable and successful online brand. Remember, it's important to define your brand identity, understand your target audience, and develop consistent visual branding. Leverage your website, social media, and engaging content to connect with your audience and build relationships. Monitor and manage your online reputation, utilizing advertising and SEO strategies to increase your brand's visibility. By measuring and analyzing your brand's online performance, you can continuously optimize your strategies for even greater success.


  • “Because with an oversaturated marketplace, you must be perceived as a reliable brand in order to stand out and get your target audience's attention.” (00:00:13)
  • “Go over your website through the perspective of a potential client who doesn't know anything about you yet.” (00:06:54)
  • “The most important part is to remember the consistency and recognizability of your social media platforms because these are the cornerstones for online credibility. So whether it’s your website, social media profile or email communications, this cohesive appearance helps your brand really shine.” (00:09:10)
  • “A well established and consistent online presence saves you money, time, nerves, your resources in the long run for sure.” (00:13:32)
  • “Your online presence really is the first touch point for potential clients. So make sure it really reflects your professionalism and the value you offer, really.” (00:14:06)


(00:01:08) The Importance of Brand Reliability for Business Success
(00:04:17) Optimizing Email Signature and Website for Client Engagement
(00:08:58) Promoting Business Online: Importance of Consistency and SEO

Here's the full episode on YouTube:

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