Stephen Scoggins: How to get out of your own way?

January 12, 2022
Are you wondering what actionable steps you can take to boost your business’s success in 2022? According to Stephen Scoggins, entrepreneur and CEO of The CHE Companies, the most effective thing you can do is to get out of your own way.  

Stephen explains that the most rigid companies are often the ones that suffer the most, since you can’t plan for what you don’t know. He emphasizes that you should never give up and should remain flexible at all times. He says that one of the best ways to avoid self-sabotaging is to be authentic and transparent about your fears. If you focus on personal growth, financial and business growth will naturally follow. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Powerful Marketing Tips to hear more about how to get out of your own way and flourish in 2022. Learn about the morning routine that Stephen uses to help himself grow as a person every day of the week and how to be more flexible in handling every hurdle that you face.


  • “I personally would go into 2022 with an intentional prioritized action database of ‘this is the action I’ve got to take’ to get the biggest lift, but I’d also go into it with a certain amount of flexibility because you don’t know what you don’t know.” (3:02-3:15)
  • “So much of being a successful entrepreneur is just never giving up.” (5:04-5:07)
  • “By giving your brain a break it will actually increase the capacity of which it holds. I would definitely make sure you plan that inside your day.” (10:52-11:00)
  • “I focus on personal growth in a specific area of my life each day of the week. For example, we have this terminology called 8 Pillars of Life…on Mondays for example like this morning, I worked on finance. I was learning about cryptocurrencies….well tomorrow I’m not going to be focused on finance. Tomorrow I’m going to be focused on emotional wellbeing. How do I continue to grow my emotional response in such a way that brings people toward me rather than repels them from me. And then Wednesday I’ll go and focus on my spiritual nature and after on my professional nature…And each day of the week there’s something key to focus on that helps me build a well-rounded approach, and all of this happens before I even get into my day.” (16:18-17:31) 
  • “Your ability to get out of your own way is going to come down to how quickly you can swallow your pride.” (24:45-24:50)
  • “I’ve learned the quickest way to get out of your own way is to be authentic and transparent about the things that terrify you most. Even with your leadership team.” (26:45-26:55)
  • “If you’re going to be successful in business you’re gonna have to be flexible at all times. Things are not always going to go your way, but what you do in the moments when they don’t go your way will ultimately define where your business goes. My entrepreneurial life has not been all wins and no losses or all successes and no sacrifices. It's actually been more losses and more sacrifices that ultimately gave me the skills and the tools and the strategies I needed to grow myself and my business and hopefully grow my teams.” (44:02-44:32)


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