3 Most Common Marketing Mistakes and How to Solve Them

April 27, 2023
Many people see marketing as a cost, not an investment. And it is true, marketing can become expensive, especially when you try to be everywhere and target everyone. In this episode, Mari-Liis and Laura from Powerful Marketers discuss common marketing mistakes that businesses tend to make. They highlight the importance of the "know-like trust" concept and how it is essential to gain recurring clients. They advise against offering a "one size fits all" solution and suggest personalized approaches to marketing. If you're looking to enhance your marketing strategies, listen to this podcast to avoid common marketing mistakes and learn practical approaches to improve results.

Mistake number 1: Not focusing on the "Know-Like-Trust" concept

The first mistake is to approach marketing not from the perspective of your clients, but focusing solely on your needs and wants. To be successful in marketing, you must embrace the “know-like-trust” concept. This means that no one will buy from you unless they know you, like you, and trust you. What matters even more is what you do after getting that initial sale, as this is what determines whether they will become your recurring client or not. To do this, it is essential to look at the world through the eyes of your clients. This means that when you look at your website copy or your sales copy, you should count how many times you mention words like “I” or “we” and how many times you use words that are describing them and their needs.

Mistake number 2: Not having enough clarity

The second mistake that businesses often make is not having enough clarity and focus. It is important to know who your target audience is and how you can serve them. If you try to talk to everyone, then you will end up talking to nobody because it won’t resonate with them. To avoid this, it is essential to have clarity and focus.

Mistake number 3: Trying to be everywhere and do everything

The third mistake is to focus on too many things at once. It is tempting to try to be everywhere and have accounts on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and start your own podcast. However, this can become a full-time job for you and take away time from running your business. It is better to focus on one thing at a time and build it properly, rather than trying to do too much at once.

By understanding the importance of the “know-like-trust” concept, having clarity and focus, and focusing on one thing at a time, businesses can be successful in their marketing efforts.


  • "No one will buy from you unless they know you, like you and trust you." - 00:01:40
  • "It's not about you. It's always about them and how you help them really solve the problems they have." - 00:02:53
  • "If you are trying to talk to everybody then you will end up talking to nobody because it doesn't resonate with them." - 00:03:18
  • "The biggest mistake is about focusing on too many things and that is why marketing is overwhelming." - 00:03:45
  • "You don't need to be everywhere as you get clear with focus." - 00:03:59
  • "Focus on one thing at a time, so you won’t overwhelm yourself and you won’t overwhelm your audience." - 00:04:51


  • [00:01:40] Know-like trust concept
  • [00:03:10] Lack of clarity and focus in marketing
  • [00:03:48] Being overwhelmed with doing too much in marketing

Here's the full episode on YouTube:

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